Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Confinement "Nanny"

Oh, I simply couldn't leave this very important person out. confinement 'nanny'....Daddy!! (Have I done this already?)

Yup, daddy will be helping me with confinement. Isn't he just great... =) The washing machine can do the washing. Daddy just hangs the laundry up. He's own clothes will be washed separately (by the machine). He can cook (with additional help from a book of confinement recipes). I've stuck post it notes on those recipes that I want to eat and even labelled them for different days of the week, different weeks for the month - Hey, I need some variety too...besides, different foods provide different nutritional value as a mother recovers from the delivery. As long as Baby Louisa pops out at the expected date, it should be fine...coz that's when Daddy is on holidays...otherwise,...I dun dare to think otherwise. hahaha.

My only worry? Daddy is the kind who will just fall asleep when he's tired. So, will there be a point where I'm left on my own? Coz Daddy's asleep....during the day. Will Daddy be able to wake up early enough to make breakfast for Mummy? Especially when he's probably going to be so tired. How about Daddy's meals? Confinement food may be too heaty for him. Who's going to prepare his meals for him?

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