Monday, November 5, 2007

Have I lost weight?

Mummy's thoughts:-

We went for our 2-weekly gynae appointment on Saturday. It’s week 35!!

My overall weight is 62.9kg. I lost weight?? At the last visit, my weight was 63kg. Hmmm…

When Dr. Tan measured Baby Louisa, her weight was estimated to be at 2.7kg. Baby Louisa was estimated to be 2.3kg at the previous visit. So, it’s either the measurement of the baby was a bit off (there is usually some error, that’s why it’s called an “estimated weight”) or, the Mummy has lost about 500g!

I’m more inclined to think that Mummy has lost some weight. Not because I want to lose weight, but rather, I have been so busy lately, that there hasn’t been much rest or sleep.

Lately, I have been feeling a bit of pain in the pelvic area. It occurs when I walk or sit. Dr says this is due to the body preparing for labour (pelvic bones shifting and adjusting). It does not occur together with the contractions, so it is not labour pains. At the pelvic area, it’s sharp pains. At the hip/butt area, it’s dull aches. Oh my….

Baby Louisa has been stretching a lot too. Well, perhaps it’s the same amount of stretching, but it feels like it’s harder due to the lack of space. Each time she stretches out, there’s a lump that stays there for a while, and it does hurt a little. As usual, she tends to move more when it’s meal time…I thought there would be less space for her to move much nowadays, but no…she’s still moving about. This will be one active babe, I think.

The Braxton-Hicks contractions have been coming on strong and more frequently. It’s uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. When I’m asleep, I find it more difficult to turn – BH contractions plus pelvic bones aching. Ouch ouch ouch...

Time to rest more….

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