Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sudden burst of energy

For some strange reason, I had a sudden boost of energy today.

I've been clearing my desk (hey, 3 month's worth dust collecting on a messy table is NOT, in case they get an intern to sit at my desk, how?). Desk is more or less quite cleared now.

So, today, I went down to Bugis area (the Fu Lu Shou Complex) and bought some herbs needed for confinement. Some I am not sure if (a) I would eventually use ALL of them during confinement and (b) I can't carry too heavy a bag of herbs...

What I bought today:-

(a) Dang Shen
(b) Medlar Seeds / Wolfberry / Gou Qi / Kei Chi (it has several names). We still have some in the fridge, but this is something that's like ginger, used in almost every confinement dish...
(c) Black Dates (not much, only 500g)
(d) Dried Longan Meat (500g)
(e) Tangerine Peel (100g - and I think it's still too much. The girl wanted to sell me 500g!)
(f) The herbs for bathing (just enough for 1 week. Need more? Confinement 'nanny' can go get when he goes and buys the fresh foods during confinement)

Good thing is, all these herbs and dried goods can be used in other herbal soups (with the exception of the bathing ones) in future. So, they won't be wasted should I not finish them during confinement.

Think I still have to get black beans, raw peanuts, bei qi, huai shan and honey dates.

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