Monday, October 8, 2007

9 more weeks

Mummy's thoughts:-

I'm in the mood to deco Baby Louisa's room. Yup. Have been in the mood for a while already, just that there's so much other things to look out for. Baby Louisa is well travelled...around Singapore, that is. Over the past week, she's been to the North, East, South and West of Singapore. Ok, we haven't been to Central Singapore (AMK, TPY area) much...

So anyway, I've been thinking of how and where to place the cot, what to stick around the room to make it more...cute. It's so exciting, planning Baby Louisa's furniture. heehee...

Whenever I lie on my side, Baby Louisa likes to "walk" on my side. I can feel this lump (not sure if it's the feet, knee or fist) moving up and down the side...feels like she's walking or climbing. Hahahaha...Then the karate kicks. It is becoming more of a pattern. hehs. Gives us a preview into the kind of movements she is likely to be making when she's out...

My clothes are getting tighter. And they are maternity wear!! Oh my gosh! But everybody still says I don't seem to have put on weight. Still look normal. But my maternity tops are getting shorter (probably due to the growing belly). Now belly peeks out from above the skirt or pants...peek-a-boo...

Well, it's 9 more weeks....We're at week 31. Hey Baby Louisa, we made it 31 weeks! Thank you, God. :-) Let's keep going.....We can do it together. :-)

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