Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 33

We went for our gynae check up on Saturday. We’re in Week 33!! Yippee!! 7 more weeks and we’ll be able to see Baby Louisa. At week 33, Baby Louisa is estimated to be 2.3kg. She’s in good position (i.e. head down, facing my back). Let’s hope she stays that way till delivery. That’s the best position for delivery…

I noticed, everytime the gynae performs a scan of Baby Louisa, she will be soooo quiet. She would not move (in other words, we have never really seen her in motion via the ultrasound scans – well, I did, when we had to do the FTS screening, and Daddy wasn’t at the clinic yet). It’s like, Baby Louisa would “freeze” all motion at that time. But before and after the clinic visits, Baby Louisa would be moving and kicking a lot. Hmmm…...

In fact, Baby Louisa has been kicking rather aggressively the past few days, that my tummy muscles are feeling a bit bruised – like when you have been exercising a lot, your muscles tend to ache a bit…..


At the previous gynae visit, Dr. Tan took a swab from me for testing (it’s a routine test at this stage of pregnancy). The purpose of the test is to test for Strep B infection. What is it?

Was quite worried about it, as Strep B infection for infants is no joke. While antibiotics can help the situation, no expectant mother would want it, not that we can help it. It’s a naturally occurring bacterium in the body of both men and women, and it does not present any symptoms. We got the test results at this visit, and thank God, there’s no Strep B infection. Dr. Tan says everything is ok. Yeah!

However, level of sugar present in the urine is 1 level higher than normal. Hmmm, gotta watch that diet (I hardly ate that durian mooncake from Marriott! My favourite…..*sulk*)

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